How to Create Power Partners
This Friday Follow Up Tip, I will talk about how to follow up with those people with whom you feel you can collaborate with power partners, referral partners, and JV partners.
Find businesses that have similar clients to you.
The first action to do is reach out to those who have clients who are similar to yours, but you’re not in competition with them. These are people who meet with your ideal clients every day and vice versa. So you can create a steady, consistent flow of referrals back and forth to each other. So you want to be intentional about looking for those people you can collaborate with because you will get so many more clients from those partners.
Then you will get referrals from your existing clients. Getting referrals from your clients is super important. I’ll be talking more about that in another video. Still, I want to focus strictly on you reaching out to those people who would be great partners and make it about them that you want to get together with them to see if and how you might be able to support each other.
It’s about give and take.
Don’t say, “I want to see how you can help me”. It’s all about seeing how you can support each other. If you don’t already have one, the best thing to do is to get a calendar scheduling link. I use Acuity. Check out my resources tab to learn more about Acuity.
Reach out to them.
Reach out to these people via email or text. I like to call people first. So if you have their phone number, call them. Remind them what you do. And then ask if they would like to get together to see how you can support each other. Please don’t assume they are. And say, if yes, here’s the link to schedule a time to connect. So my invitation to you this week is to look at all the people you’ve been meeting the last month or two at online networking events and highlight those people who could be great partners for you make a list.
Define your partners.
First, identify who those people are, who you’re looking for. So you’re intentional, and then reach out to those people. Let me know how it goes. I’d love you to comment here, down below, what kind of results you got!
A special invitation.
Also, I want to invite you to my free coaching call next Tuesday, the 29th of June at noon, Pacific, “From Overwhelmed To Consistent Clients and Income“. This is a very rare opportunity to get laser coaching from me in a group setting. I only do this once or twice a year. My coachings are reserved for my VIP clients, but I want to give back and help support everyone. During this time as people and things are opening up, and you’ll bare getting back out to network. So any questions you have about follow up and sales, you can come and ask and get laser support for me.
This free coaching call has been a real eye-opener for so many. People love taking it because it helps them see where they’re falling short with their follow up and what areas they need to focus on. Join us at
See you next week on follow-up Friday.
Bye for now.