Are Your Networking Efforts Falling Short?

My “Profitable Networking Formula” Will Power-Up Your Ability To Connect With People..
And Get More “Yesses!”

Networking offers a great opportunity to grow your business...

But, many entrepreneurs feel uncomfortable in such a “salesy” environment. And, aggressive folks struggle, as well, because they don’t realize they’re turning people off.

Profitable Networking Formula is a comprehensive 5-week program that teaches you the skill set to master the art of networking—online from home, and face-to-face at live events. You’ll learn how to prepare for every challenge. I’ll help you create a message that resonates with potential clients... so they’ll “lean-in to learn more.” My authentic, heartfelt approach focuses on building relationships (and serving people’s needs) instead of “selling.”

Most entrepreneurs work exhaustive hours, but struggle to generate consistent networking results, because they haven’t had the proper training. Truth is that networking is easy when you have an organized, step-by-step system in place. It doesn’t matter if you’re shy or outgoing. Because, when you’re prepared for what to do, what to say (and how to be!), you’ll radiate confidence. Prospective clients and power partners will be attracted to you like a magnet.

That’s what makes this program so valuable. It guides you through the entire networking experience… And it’s easy to follow.

“Why struggle to figure it out by yourself…
when there’s a proven formula (and mentor) that can guide you!”

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    Discover a proven system that will attract more qualified (ideal) prospects

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    Convert more of these ideal prospects into clients, without being salesy

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    Create a powerful message that gets people leaning in to learn more

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    Learn the secret to building a lucrative network of JV / Power Partners

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    Learn how to prepare for consistent sales results at networking events... how to “break the ice,” and make more efficient use of your time

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    How to balance your masculine and feminine for optimum results

My Profitable Networking Formula includes:

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    5 Training Modules

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    Workbooks, action steps, scripts, and templates


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    Attend 6 “Power-Up Your Networking” Events for FREE

    Network with heart-centered entrepreneurs from all over the world. Implement what you are learning in the program. Debbie’s events are on the first and third Wednesdays of the month from 9:30 am PDT-12:00 pm PDT. (Value $114)

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    Private Soul Guidance Session with Sahar Nafal

    During this 30-minute private call, Sahar will help you get clarity around what’s holding you back in your personal and business life so you can get out of your own way and step into your next level of leadership. (Value: $497)

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    Private Facebook Group

    A safe place to receive support from other members in the program and give support as well. You can find someone to practice the action steps with, find an accountability partner, celebrate together, and network with one another. (Value: $497)

I had given up on networking, because I never had any luck bringing in new business from these events...

“Now, people are drawn to me. I share more powerfully what I do and people are leaning in wanting to know more. Going to networking events isn’t a chore anymore. I actually look forward to it! In just 10 weeks since working with Debbie, I’ve brought in 8 new clients and $20,000 in additional income.”

Gwen Head Shot

Gwen McClure

Professional Organizer & Interior Designer

Here’s What You’ll Learn In The 5 Training Modules…

TRAINING 1: It Takes Preparation To Get People To “Lean-In”

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    Why Networking Isn’t Working

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    Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make

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    Setting Intention

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    Who Is Your “Ideal Client?”

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    What Makes You “Unique?”

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    Create your “What Do You Do?” statement “How do you do that?” response

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    “Tell me more…” response

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    Questions to guide the conversation

TRAINING 2: Create (And Deliver) Your 30-Second “Commercial”

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    Advertise yourself clearly and concisely

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    Break it down into 6 component parts

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    Effective delivery of your Commercial

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    Creating a video

TRAINING 3: Show Up In Service… Build A Connection First

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    How to approach people

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    Ask powerful questions

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    Find a balance between your masculine and feminine

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    Starting a conversation

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    Get curious

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    Show up in service

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    Free Gift

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    Collateral Material

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    Discovery Session

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    Calendar Scheduling System

TRAINING 4: Create A Lucrative Network Of JV / Power Partners

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    Who are your power partners?

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    What to say

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    JV Partners

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    Make your partnerships work

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    Upstream and downstream partners

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    Follow up tips

TRAINING 5: Rock Your Vendor Booth!

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    Research events

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    Prepare in advance for best results

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    Create displays that work

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    Decorating your table

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    Mistakes vendors make

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    What to say

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    Vendor tips

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    What to do during slow time

“My proven step-by-step scripts & templates will show you exactly what to do and say…
to connect with people in a powerful way.”

Profitable Networking Formula will help you to clarify who your Ideal Clients really are, and the most effective way to connect with them. You’ll also have a deeper understanding of what makes you unique and why potential clients should invest in You! The result will be a steady flow of qualified prospects and more consistent sales results… without being salesy!

And, I’ve Added Some SPECIAL BONUSES… Extra Value When You Register For My 5-Week Program:

BONUS 1: Attend 6 “Power-Up Your Networking” Events For Free

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Network with heart-centered entrepreneurs from all over the world. Implement what you are learning in the program. Debbie’s events are on the first and third Wednesdays of the month from 9:30 am PDT-12:00 pm PDT.

Value... $114

BONUS 2: Soul Guidance Session with Sahar Nafal

Bonus 3 - Sahar Nafal

During this 30-minute private call, Sahar will help you get clarity around what’s holding you back in your personal and business life so you can get out of your own way and step into your next level of leadership.

Value... $497

BONUS 3: Membership In My Private Facebook Community

Bonus 2

A safe place to receive support from other members in the program and give support as well. You can find someone to practice the action steps with, find an accountability partner, celebrate together, and network with one another.

Value... $497

5 Week Program Plus BONUS Package
Total Savings $1,108

Your Investment… $497 or 6 Monthly Payments of $97

My program is sure to Power-Up Your Networking!

Here’s what clients are saying…

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