Authentic Conversations: 3 Templates To Connect…Serve…And Sell From The Heart

It takes a well organized, scripted follow-up system to achieve consistent sales results.

Learn what to say in key situations:

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    How to “connect” after a networking event

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    What to say to someone you haven’t spoke with in a while

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    What to say to people who were interested in working with you and went MIA

Debbie's message really resonated with me. I signed-up for her Mastery program and when I finished, I realized I needed her VIP one-on-one training to take my coaching business to where I wanted to go.

“Before working with Debbie, I struggled with all aspects of the sales process, especially follow-up. I'd been networking for over a year, but I had just a handful of clients along with a HUGE stack of business cards. Now, with Debbie's help, my personal coaching practice is over-subscribed and I've launched a new webinar series with 20 students. And I'm only part way through the VIP coaching. I'm looking forward to where she will take me next!”

Steve Kirch

Steve Kirch

Productivity Coach

I'm so excited. Since working with Debbie, I've signed up 12 new clients, achieved an all-time high sales rank, and my earnings have increased by 40%.

“I’ve learned so much from Debbie's training. I used to think it was rude to invite people to work with me during the first meeting. Now, I'm confidently inviting people to work with me. And, I'm much more organized...I consistently use my CRM, so clients aren't slipping through the cracks anymore.”


Andrea Burnett

Rodan + Fields Consultant

A Personal Note:

Although I’ve built a successful business, believe me – it hasn’t always been easy!

When I entered into the entrepreneurial world, I struggled to build my business because I was coming across salesy and pushy. I guess I can blame my Wall Street training for that!

But, Wall Street and entrepreneurship require different ways of interacting with people. I realized that the way to grow a successful business was to let go fo my agenda and make it about the other person. When I started coming from that place my business started to take off.

I’ve created a step-by-step follow-up system that’s based on my core philosophy that follow-up is all about building relationships, creating value and always coming from a place of service. My proven system helped me go from zero to six-figures in 14 months with a brand new business. My e-book is the first step to supporting you in having the confidence to make those follow-up calls.

My mission is to help you share your gifts and get your message out in a big way so you can make the difference you’re here on this planet to make.

Here’s to powering up your follow-up!


I started working with Debbie because I was ready to take my business to the next level – and that’s exactly what happened!

“Thanks to Debbie, my client base doubled! I always had goals, but Debbie helped me refine my strategy and take action. She was supportive every step of the way, giving me the confidence and skills to network effectively, price my projects properly, and most importantly, increase the value I provide for my clients. Her advice is clear, actionable, and it really works.


Lucy Wahl

Professional Organizer

In my first 10 weeks after working with Debbie, I brought in 8 new clients and $20,000 in additional income.

“I had given up on networking, because I never had any luck bringing in new business from these events. Now, people are being drawn to me. I share more powerfully what I do and people are leaning in wanting to know more. Going to networking events isn't a chore anymore. I actually look forward to it!”

Gwen Head Shot

Gwen McClure

Professional Organizer & Interior Designer

Copyright © 2021 Power Up Your Follow-Up, LLC - All Rights Reserved

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